Data Visualization 1: The After Version

The final version of Data Visualization 1, which combined the two separate plots into one and made a few other minor changes.

Kathryn Denning

What you’re seeing:

Using the same data as the first version of this plot, the “After” version of the plot combines both plots into one using library(cowplot) and adjusts the proportion scale to not be using scientific notation. Thus, this visualization more clearly demonstrates that the states with the highest frequency do not necessarily have the highest of number of UFO citings when considering their population size. In comparison to the first version with separate plots, this combined plot emphasizes the higher proportion of UFO citings in the Pacific Northwest.

Data visualization changes:

I combined the two separate plots into one plot via cowplot, dropped the gray background in favor of a white background, and changed the scale of the proportion to no longer have scientific notation. I also added the month and year the data was collected to the title of each plot.